
There are mainly three methods to do wastewater treatment, aerobic wastewater treatment, anaerobic wastewater treatment, and facultative lagoons.

They are all useful and helpful sewage treatment methods, in this blog, we want to introduce aerobic wastewater to you.


As its name, aerobic wastewater treatment needs oxygen in the treating process. It helps to convert the sewage into high-quality secondary effluent that can be discharged directly. If you want to know more about the aerobic water treatment system, you can not miss out on this article.

What is an aerobic wastewater treatment system?

The biological process of aerobic wastewater treatment employs oxygen to break down organic pollutants as well as other pollutants like nitrogen and phosphorus. An air blower or compressor, for example, is a mechanical aeration device that continuously adds oxygen to wastewater or sewage.

The organic content in the wastewater is then consumed by aerobic bacteria, resulting in the production of carbon dioxide and biomass that may be removed.

How does an aerobic wastewater treatment system work?

Because these organisms need oxygen, aerobic systems need a way to provide it to the biomass. This can be done by including wastewater treatment ponds (which function by providing a large surface area for introducing air to the wastewater), or by incorporating some sort of mechanical aeration device.


A biological wastewater treatment system may consist of multiple distinct procedures and a wide variety of microorganisms, depending on the chemical composition of the wastewater in relation to the effluent needs.

Additionally, they will need certain operating procedures that will change based on the environment required to maintain biomass growth rates that are ideal for particular microbial populations.

To keep the system’s bacteria multiplying at the right pace to meet discharge regulations, for instance, it is frequently necessary to monitor and modify aeration to maintain a consistent dissolved oxygen level.

In addition to dissolved oxygen, biological systems frequently need to be pH, temperature, flow, load, and nutrition balanced. The biological treatment procedure can get highly complicated when balancing a number of system variables.

What kinds of technologies do we need in aerobic water treatment systems?

There are several different methods we use in aerobic water treatment systems. The followings are introductions in detail.

  • Conventional activated slurry

Activated sludge operations take place when wastewaters from the initial treatment phase enter an aeration tank and are frequently used in municipal applications.

The organic material is broken down and consumed after aeration in the presence of suspended (freely floating) aerobic bacteria, resulting in biological solids that flocculate into larger clumps, or flocs.


Sedimentation separates the suspended flocs from the wastewater when they enter a settling tank. While surplus solids are wasted as sludge, recycling settled solids to the aeration tank regulates levels of floating particles.

Compared to alternative choices, activated sludge treatment systems often require more area and produce huge amounts of sludge, with disposal expenses related. However, capital and maintenance costs are generally lower.

  • Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)

The majority of MBBRs are made up of aeration tanks that are loaded with tiny moving polyethylene biofilm carriers that are kept in place by media retention sieves.

Today’s plastic biofilm carriers are typically half- to one-inch diameter cylinders or cubes, come in a wide variety of sizes and forms and are made to be suspended with their immobilized biofilm throughout the bioreactor by aeration or mechanical mixing.

The moving bio-film carriers that are floating in the air allow MBBRs to treat high BOD wastewater in a condensed space without blocking.

Secondary clarifiers are frequently used after MBBRs, but no sludge is recycled back into the process;
Instead, excess sludge settles and is either vacuum-truck removed as a slurry or settled solids are filter-pressed and disposed of as solid waste.

  • Membrane bioreactor (MBR)

MBRs are cutting-edge biological wastewater treatment techniques that use membrane filtration to separate and recycle suspended solids rather than sedimentation. They combine traditional suspended growth-activated sludge with these techniques.

In contrast to conventional activated sludge, MBRs function with substantially greater mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS) and longer solids residence times (SRTs), resulting in a significantly smaller footprint and much higher-quality effluent.


MBRs mainly aim to reduce total suspended solids and BOD (TSS). A typical MBR can include aerobic (or anaerobic) treatment tanks, an aeration system, mixers, a membrane tank, a clean-in-place system, and either a hollow fiber or flat sheet ultrafiltration membrane.

MBR system design varies based on the kind of wastewater and the treatment objectives. MBRs are recognized for having expensive initial expenses as well as high operating and maintenance costs because of their numerous parts and cleaning procedures.

  • Fixed-bed bioreactors(FBBRs)

These systems consist of multiple-chambered tanks with porous ceramic, porous foam, and/or porous plastic media tightly packed into the chambers. The impermeable bed of media is subsequently passed through by the wastewater.

Cheap sludge formation and low sludge disposal costs derive from the media being constructed to have a high enough surface area to promote a robust biofilm formation with a long solids lifespan.

Wastewater can pass through a fixed-bed bioreactor with no channeling or clogging thanks to well-designed engineering. To achieve simultaneous aerobic carbonaceous removal and complete anoxic denitrification, chambers can be aerobic while yet having anoxic zones.

With these systems, more complex biological processes can be facilitated, such as nitrification, denitrification, desalination, sulfide-reduction, and anammox, by having different bacterial populations colonize the biofilm media in separate tank chambers that can be specifically designed to treat the different components of your facility’s wastewater.

  • Biological trickling filters


These filters function by circulating air or water through a medium that has surfaces intended to accumulate biofilm. Both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that break down organic pollutants in water or the air can make up the biofilm.

These systems’ media may also contain foam, ceramic materials, gravel, and sand. Although odor control is useful in many contexts, the most well-known applications of this technology include municipal wastewater treatment and air remediation to eliminate H2S at municipal sewer facilities.

What are the advantages of an aerobic wastewater treatment system?

The secondary effluent produced by the steady, quick, and effective aerobic treatment of wastewater is of excellent quality. The resulting sludge is odorless and makes for superior agricultural fertilizer when sold.


Complete removal of contaminants and nutrients is guaranteed by aerobic treatment systems when used in conjunction with anaerobic treatment. This indicates that you can safely release your wastewater without breaking strict environmental restrictions.

What can we do after an aerobic wastewater treatment system?

After the sewage is treated by the aerobic treatment system, the treated water can be discharged directly or can be deeply treated and filtered to get purer water that can be drink people.

As we mentioned above, the sewage has been converted into high-quality secondary effluent, but it is still not drinkable. To do further filtration or treatment, we need depth filtration and reverse osmosis to get pure water without contaminants and impurities.


Brother Filtration has those products to help you to trap the micro contaminants and undesired substances. Below are product series that you can apply after the aerobic wastewater treatment system.

Depth filter cartridge

UF/RO membranes

High-flow filter cartridge


Compared with other wastewater treatment systems, aerobic wastewater treatment can provide high-quality secondary effluent. The manufacturers can discharge treated water directly and the farmers can use it as irrigation water.

Brother Filtration provides the downstream filtration equipment after the aerobic wastewater treatment, helping to remove more particles.

As an experienced professional filtration manufacturer, Brother Filtration manufactures all kinds of filter products and offers better filtration solutions.

We dedicate to purifying water and protect the environment. If you are interested in our depth filtration products, please feel free to contact us.



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